Soy-Lime Cabbage Slaw
For some reason I just love purple cabbage. I know, cabbage is the vegetable no one is supposed to like, the one you hear horror stories about when you’re little, but I can’t get enough of it. I put it on salads, stir fry it, or cook it up into a slaw like this one. Soy and cabbage go so well together, and the addition of lime juice gives the slaw a little tang. Plus, as most of my recipes are, this is so easy. In total it will take you about 5 minutes if you buy pre-shredded cabbage! If you’re interested in making this into a meal, try adding a protein and a grain (a fried egg and quinoa, brown rice and tempeh, etc.). Tasty and healthy and quick!
1 cup shredded purple cabbage
1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp lime juice

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