Super Seed Crackers
These crackers are a nutritious and delicious snack, or additive to a hearty bowl of goodness. Use whatever seeds or nuts you have on you! This recipe is so simple and quick, look for more recipes on my blog
1/4 cup flax seeds
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup sesame seeds
1/4 cup oil (olive oil, coconut, avocado…)
1/2 cup water
1 cup of mixed flours (chickpea, millet, spelt, buckwheat!)
2 teaspoons sea salt
2 teaspoons of baking powder
– pop the oven on to 180c, fan bake.
– in a bowl mix together the dry ingredients, ( seeds, flours, salt and bp) removing any floury lumps with some whiskin action!
– add the oil and water and keep on whisking, until you have a very wet sticky batter.
– break off two sheets of baking paper, lightly oil one, and lay the other on a clear surface.
– add a good dollop of mix to the centre of the un-oiled sheet and place the oiled sheet on top.
– roll the dough out between the two sheets using a rolling pin of a bottle, keep rolling it out as thin as the seeds will let you ( about 4-6mm I find ).
– peel the oiled sheet off the top of the rolled out dough. score the dough into somewhat cracker shapes and slide the sheet with the dough rolled out onto an oven tray. Sprinkle with a few extra small seeds on top!
– Pop in the oven to bake until lightly golden and crisp, mine normally takes 7-9 minutes, but it will vary with thickness of dough and the oven you use.
– once done, let cool, break along the score lines you made, and there! You have some super tasty crackers!
– repeat the process with the remaining mix.

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