Vegan White Chocolate Snowflakes
Here’s another easy-to-make Christmas dessert recipe that’s completely raw and vegan. I made my white chocolates in the shape of snowflakes using some silicone muffin molds, but you can use any kind of mold you want. Since white chocolate is usually made with dried or powdered milk (which doesn’t sound very healthy to me), I decided to add some shredded coconut instead to make my chocolate thicker and a little whiter. Also, I love coconut. This is optional though, if you don’t like coconut or are allergic to it, you don’t have to add it. I also decided to decorate my chocolates with some candied fruit, dried fruit, and chopped pistachios, but this step is optional, too.
3 tablespoons of cocoa butter
1 tablespoon of coconut oil – optional
1-2 teaspoons of powdered sugar
4 tablespoons of shredded coconut – optional
For decoration:
chopped pistachios
dried fruit
candied fruit

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