Vegan Toasts
With the endless options, no wonder toast is so “trendy” right now. I had a tough time deciding what kind of bread to have, but I chose simple whole-wheat bread. You can also choose flat breads, sourdough, Ezekiel, or whatever you have in the house. Just remember, do not be afraid of carbohydrates! Bread can be an every day stable as a healthy part of your diet.
-Avocado, Radish and Parsley
-Almond Butter, blueberries, pistachios and bee pollen
-Yellow beats and yourt
-Cucumbers, chocolate nut butter and parsleyvv
-coconut yogurt, figs, ground flax seed
-hummus, avocado, grilled mushrooms, parsley, olive oil
coconut cream, wild mushrooms, garlic, salt, lemon, chives “creamy -mushroom toast”
– olive tapenade, and fresh herbs

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