Moroccan Mint Strawberry Smoothie
Berries are finally coming into season, mint is sprouting up all over my garden…it’s time for a Moroccan Mint Strawberry Smoothie.
Iced tea is a mainstay in my fridge and it translates easily into a base for a fruit smoothie. I find the best tea to use is mint. It gives you that blast of cool freshness for warm days!
1 cup sweetened Moroccan Mint Tea
1 cup fresh organic strawberries, fruit and leaves
½ avocado
½ cup frozen mango chunks
1 Tb agave nectar or honey
½ Tb hemp seeds, optional
Place everything except the hemp seeds into a blender.
Blend until smooth. Adding more mint tea if needed.
Sprinkle with hemp seeds and a few slices of fresh strawberry.

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