My grandmother’s fava beans and peas stew
This fava beans and peas stew is one of the favourite dishes I used to eat at my grandparents’ every Saturday. I asked my grandmother for her secret and now I (and you too!) can happily recreate it at home! I hope you’ll love it as much as I do!
500 g of a mix of fava beans, snow peas and peas, shelled (or just one of them, it works very well too!), preferably fresh (frozen will work as well but don’t used dried or canned)
1 big white onion (preferably fresh as well)
a handful of small new potatoes, rinced but with skin on
1 sprig thyme
5 sprigs parsley
a few salad leaves (choose a sweet variety, no aragula or bitter salad)
salt and pepper
vegetable oil

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