Rustic Beetroot Galette (GF)
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Serves: 4-6
Free-form tarts or galettes are much easier to make than pies. This crust is made from nutty buckwheat flour and buttery coconut oil. Filled with a creamy almond layer and topped with sweet roasted beetroot. Utterly delicious!
Buckwheat Crust:
1 1/2 C Buckwheat Flour
1/2t Salt
1T Chopped Fresh Rosemary
1/2C/8T Cold Coconut Oil
3-5T Cold Water
Almond Filling:
3/4C Ground Almonds/Almond Flour
2T Lemon Juice
1/2t Salt
1/4C Water
3-4 Medium Beetroot
1t Olive Oil

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